Living Memento Mori Part 5: Could Waiting on God to Act Directly be a Mistake?

Living Memento Mori Part 5: Could Waiting on God to Act Directly be a Mistake?

I think most of us have heard one or more versions of what’s been called, The Parable of the Drowning Man. If you’re unfamiliar with it, the story starts with a flood in which a Christian, now on a roof top, refuses several offers of rescue. The Christian tells the would-be rescuers that God has…

Living Memento Mori Part 4: Suffering when You’re Not the Sufferer

Living Memento Mori Part 4: Suffering when You’re Not the Sufferer

Emily DeArdo in her book Living, Memento Mori, has a chapter titled, “In It Together.” This chapter is associated with the fourth station of the cross in which Jesus meets his mother on his way to his crucifixion.  Mother and Son are in this together. Emily refers the reader to the time soon after Jesus’s…

Living Memento Mori Part 1: Getting and Handling Bad News

Living Memento Mori Part 1: Getting and Handling Bad News

Eventually we will all get news which is hard to bear and sometimes almost impossible to take. It could range from “disappointment”-something like needing to change or cancel vacation plans to “unbearable”- a serious financial reversal, a marriage that ends, a life-threatening illness, etc.  How do you handle this? Emily DeArdo was diagnosed with cystic…

A New Year’s Resolution You Probably Didn’t Make

A New Year’s Resolution You Probably Didn’t Make

New Year’s resolutions. Did you make one? How about this one:                               Live Memento Mori! Probably not, but you might want to consider adding it to your list or simply focusing on it exclusively.  Memento Mori is a Latin phrase which says, Remember you must die.   Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor, wrote regarding memento mori, “You could…