Tip of the Week: Avoid “Lemming Behavior”

Tip of the Week: Avoid “Lemming Behavior”

Lemmings are small rodents. Their actions have been popularized by Disney with the classic nature film, “White Wilderness.” Lemmings have also been used in light-hearted video games by the same name. Their behavior points to a phenomena of human behavior: our tendency to conform, to “not rock the boat,” to simply  “go with the flow.”…

Not This Again!

Not This Again!

Well, yes. I’m writing about doing “this” again, and again, and again. I’m talking about practice as another factor in improving your student’s memory of what you’re teaching. Practice, though, is not simply doing something over and over again. When you think about setting up a practice strategy, you have three questions to answer. They…

Tip of the Week: I’m Not “Feeling It!”

Tip of the Week: I’m Not “Feeling It!”

Do you remember: A favorite vacation? A proud moment at work, church, or home where what you did was affirmed? A hard-earned accomplishment that was finally realized? A conversation where you felt truly listened to? Likewise, do you remember: A stressful family  vacation or trip where you couldn’t wait to get back home to recover?…

Slow Down, Think, and Reflect
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Slow Down, Think, and Reflect

Today’s tools of communication encourage us to move faster and faster. The options are growing. Within moments you can text, tweet, post on Instagram, and comment on Facebook. Maybe like me, you’re addicted to the speed they represent. These communication channels, however, discourage things like thinking, reflecting, and calmly responding. What they encourage is the…

Testing 101: The Test Result Score They Don’t Want You to Have
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Testing 101: The Test Result Score They Don’t Want You to Have

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you needed to act as if you understood something when the fact is you knew you didn’t get it? I think most of us will admit to this. Sometimes we find ourselves in a conversation where we feel the need to nod our heads in…

Testing 101: How to Understand and Use Raw Scores
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Testing 101: How to Understand and Use Raw Scores

Most homeschoolers compute raw scores every week. They are the result of scoring spelling tests and simple math tests in which the items are either right or wrong. With the answer key in one hand and your student’s work in the other, you determine how many items were answered correctly. The raw score represents the…

Testing 101: Check Your Work
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Testing 101: Check Your Work

In my last article I presented seven tips for choosing the right answer when taking an achievement test. Most students might think this is all they need to do to ensure getting the best score possible. In other words, they think once they’ve reached the last item on the test, they can relax until the…