Testing 101: How to Understand and Use Percentile Ranks
Most car insurance companies offer high school students a discount if the student can prove he or she is academically “above average.” The standard to qualify for the discount is a “B” average on the student’s transcript. The creation and maintenance of a high school transcript is one of the features and benefits of our popular Diploma Program. But, what if you’re not in a diploma program that results in a transcript? Many insurance companies will accept the results of an achievement test. The score they use to determine if a student is above average is the National Percentile Rank. A percentile rank score of 60 or above is considered above average.
The National Percentile Rank score (NP) typically follows the Raw Score (RS) as you look across the page of an achievement test report from left to right. Once again it will be helpful for you to reference our sample report (click to view) as I explain this score. On our sample report, the first subtest is Reading. Across from this test title is 20/34. This is the Raw Score. The score next to this is 34 which is the National Percentile Rank score. It is right below the letters NP which stand for National Percentile.
The National Percentile score ranks raw scores from highest to lowest and shows where an individual’s raw score falls in comparison. The lowest score that is reported is 1; the highest is 99. Here’s how the scale breaks down:
1- 4: lowest
5-10: low
11-22: well below average
23-40: slightly below average
41-59: average
60-77: slightly above average
78-89: well above average
90-95: high
96-99: highest
A common misconception confuses percentile ranks with percentages. The confusion shows up in the question, “Why, if I got a perfect score answering every question correctly, isn’t my percentile rank a 100?”
Again, a percentile is a comparison of one particular student’s performance to a sampling of other students. Thinking of this score in terms of a bell-shaped curve helps to visualize it. The 34 on the sample report tells us that this student’s score for this subtest was better than 34 percent of students nationwide who took the same test. A score of 34 indicates the student’s performance was slightly below average. “Average” is defined as a score falling between (and including) 41 and 59, the center of the “bell.”
The value of a national percentile rank is that it is based on a national sampling of student performance rather than simply a smaller and local one. Smaller samplings may reflect state or regional populations. They are often less helpful and can even be misleading. In other words, consider a student whose intelligence and performance is in the “average range.” Compare his or her test performance to a group of “high-octane, over-achiever types” and where do you think his percentile rank will be? Near or at the bottom. Likewise, compare him or her to a group of students for whom education is unimportant and who could care less about learning, and the percentile rank will likely be near the top. I say likely because some “under achievers” are really smart but are bored by the instructional setting in which they find themselves. The basic principle is, the larger the number of students your student is compared to, the more realistic the picture the test will present of your student’s performance and standing.
In my next article I’ll comment on Normal Curve Equivalents and Stanines. I know, sounds real exciting…but it’s helpful to know what they mean.
Thanks for Reading,
Curt Bumcrot, MRE
Hi Curt. My name is Kacey and I am a first grade teacher. I was wondering if you have any articles that relate to diagnostic testing and percentile rank. A few years ago we were told that the percentile rank shows a years growth if a student’s percentile rank stays the same or increases. I am not familiar with statistics and how these numbers work but I can not find anything that supports this. In fact, I have only found research that contradicts the statement. My school district uses the i ready diagnostic and I would like to be able to find research to share with my principal. Anything you have or know of that can explain it in clear factual language would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Kacey,
Sorry to take so long to respond to your question. Very thoughtful. Students in first grade, actually in all the primary grades can show huge gains from year to year. The percentile rank is a very limited number in “proving” these gains. I would never use it exclusively if someone were to asked, “Did this student show a year’s worth of academic growth?” Measuring student performance against set criteria of what should students know at a particular grade level is more meaningful. Plus, I would factor in the teacher’s judgement as a trained professional and someone with experience in the classroom.
But, back to your question. Theoretically, a student who ranks, let’s say at the 50th percentile for a test normed at the end of 4th grade could be said to have a gained “year’s growth” if they took the next level test up and was normed at the end of 5th grade and they scored at the 50th perecentile. The notion of “a year’s growth” must be confined to what the achievement test actually measured. This begs the question; how much can you really measure in two and a half hours? When you think about it, a teacher spends roughly 6 hours a day five days a week over 9 months with her class. To suggest a single achievement test can tell the story of a student’s academic journey, his or her progress for the year, is more than a stretch.
Well, just a few thoughts.
Wishing you the best. You’ve chosen a great career.
My grandsons score is 88 out of 92 for kindergarten per nation scores. 🥳
From one year to the next, the performance of a school district improves as noted by scores on the district standardized tests, but their percentile rank actually remains the same. How can this be so?