Homeschool Standardized Achievement Testing Services

Basic Skills offers the California Achievement Test (CAT)/TerraNova 2 and the TerraNova 3 year-round in both group and private settings. Both tests are nationally normed and evaluate three content areas: reading, language, and math. Both in-person and remote testing options are available to interested families. Additionally, parents may administer achievement tests to their own children. Rules regulating the administration and use of achievement tests vary from state to state.  

To test in person in a group setting, scroll down to 2025 In-Person Group Test Dates and follow the registration instructions. In-person group testing dates and locations are added as they become available.  Testing fees may vary.

Why Test?

Test scores are useful for:
  • Assessing academic strengths and weaknesses
  • Planning future lessons
  • Complying with state requirements
  • Recording student academic progress

2025 Remote Testing Rates
(per student)

In-person testing rates may vary.

Test TypeSurvey OnlySurvey PlusSurvey/
Plus PER
Private Test$110$150$15/$20
Semi-Private Test$80$100$15/$20
Group Test $65$80$15/$20
Parent Administered Test$55$15/–
Please note: An $8 fee for 3rd grade tests (to cover consumable materials) is added at checkout.
DayExaminerContact Info
MondayHeather Cates
Tuesday - ThursdayJenny Bumcrot

Testing Options

Remote Group Testing through Basic Skills

Parent Administered Testing

Schedule a Private or Semi-Private Test

Please contact the coordinator listed for testing details and to sign up.
**Information for 2025 on-site group testing dates will be available soon.**

LocationTest DateCoordinatorContact Info
Cities TBA Dates TBA Coordinators TBAPhone: ---
Email: ---

Please contact the coordinator listed for testing details and to sign up.
**Information for 2025 on-site group testing dates will be available soon.**

LocationTest DateCoordinatorContact Info
Cities TBA Dates TBA Coordinators TBAPhone: ---
Email: ---

Register for remote testing here.
Remote testing dates for 2025 are below.
All tests begin at 9:00am.
3rd graders finish around 11:30am. Tests for 4-12th graders finish at 12:00pm.

Test Date

Grades Offered

Registration Deadline
Registration Deadline
(Outside OR, WA)

March 213-12March 11March 9Basic Skills
April 16 - Wednesday3-12April 6April 4Basic Skills
May 23-12April 22April 20Basic Skills
May 163-12May 6May 4Basic Skills
May 30 3-12May 20May 18Basic Skills
June 63-12May 27May 25Basic Skills
June 133-12June 3June 1Basic Skills
June 273-12June 17June 15Basic Skills
July 113-12July 1June 29Basic Skills
July 253-12July 15July 13Basic Skills
August 13-12July 22July 20Basic Skills
August 6 - Wednesday3-12July 27July 25Basic Skills
August 83-12 July 29July 27Basic Skills
August 13 - Wednesday3-12August 3August 1Basic Skills
August 153-12August 5August 3Basic Skills
August 27 - Wednesday3-12August 17August 15Basic Skills
August 293-12August 19August 17Basic Skills
September 123-12September 2August 30Basic Skills
All tests begin at 9:00am.
3rd graders finish around 11:30am. Tests for 4-12th graders finish at 12:00pm.


Which tests do you provide?

What’s the difference between TerraNova 2 and TerraNova 3 tests?

When should I test my student?

Are my test results confidential?

Do I have to travel somewhere to test?

How long does it take to receive my test results?

How do I interpret my test results? Can you help me understand what they mean?

What is the Performance Evaluation Report (PER)?

What accommodations are made for children who struggle academically?

Want to test with an examiner near you?

You can test privately or semi-privately with a qualified, local examiner. See our list of qualified private examiners in Oregon.

Practice Tests

We produce a series of practice tests available as E-book downloads or printed booklets.

Become a Qualified Examiner

Are you an Oregon resident and interested in ordering and administering achievement tests through Basic Skills? If so, we’d like to work with you! Click the button above to see if you qualify. Apply today!

About the TerraNova 2 and 3

Both the TerraNova 2 and 3 Survey evaluate student performance in reading, language, and math.

Both tests are comprised of four, timed sections that measure concepts, processes, and skills taught nation-wide.

An optional test called the Plus, can be taken in addition to the Survey test. The content areas that make up this test are word analysis (grades 1-3 only), vocabulary, language mechanics, spelling, and math computation.

An additional report called the Performance Evaluation Report (PER), pinpoints objectives measured by the test item by item. It shows if the student each item correctly or incorrectly.

Test Results

Confidential test results are generated within two to three weeks from the time test materials are received in our office.

Two copies of each report are mailed to parents. A third copy is kept on file in our office for up to a year.  Each report provides raw scores, national percentiles, NCE scores, stanines, grade equivalents, and scale scores.

Check out our Testing 101 series for tips on taking and passing the test, and interpreting test results!