Oregon Examiner Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a qualified examiner. There are various ways an individual can qualify to administer achievement tests to home schooling families here in Oregon. According to Oregon Administrative Rules, a “qualified person” is an individual who meets one of the following standards:
- Holds a current personnel service license or teaching license from Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission;
- OR has been licensed by the Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners;
- OR has met the publisher’s qualifications for purchase, and has purchased at least one of the following tests:
- California Achievement Test
- Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills
- Iowa Tests of Basic Skills/Tests of Achievement and Proficiency
- Metropolitan Achievement Battery
- Stanford Achievement Test Battery
- OR provides evidence of satisfactory completion of a graduate course in which test administration and interpretation is included in the objective;
- OR has previously qualified according to one of the above standards and has during the previous year administered at least one test from the above list.
If you’re qualified according to one of the above standards, we’d like to work with you! Please complete and submit the Oregon Examiner Application below. Once we receive your application and have verified your qualifications, we will notify you of your approval. You may begin to order tests immediately.
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