When a Test Result Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

When a Test Result Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

A great line from the movie, The Princess Bride, by Inigo Montoya to Vizzini’s use of the word, inconceivable is “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. “ Test results are subject to interpretation. They don’t always mean what we think they mean. A number of years…

Testing 101: The Most Meaningless but Most Important Test Score
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Testing 101: The Most Meaningless but Most Important Test Score

The most meaningless test score is perhaps the most important one.  It depends on its use.  Once the raw score (the number right out the number possible) is determined, it is then converted into this score.  Apart from the raw score, this score is the most important one because all the other scores like percentile…

Testing 101: Budget Time and Have a Plan
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Testing 101: Budget Time and Have a Plan

In my last article I gave you six tips to increase your child’s performance on any achievement test. In this article I want to address another aspect of test taking that if practiced, will result in higher test scores: time management. All achievement tests have timed sections. This can present a problem if your student…

A fresh glass of orange juice
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Testing 101: Successful Testing Starts the Day Before

End of the year homeschool achievement testing begins soon, and in many states it’s a requirement.  In the coming weeks I’ll be presenting a series of test-taking tips designed to help your child perform at his or her best. This first tip begins with what you can do prior to actually testing. Below are six…

High School Graduates & Letting Go 
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High School Graduates & Letting Go 

Do you have a high schooler graduating this spring? Congratulations! This is a euphoric time accompanied by a lot of choices and decisions – college, work, trade school, etc. For some graduates, the path seems clear, at least for now. If I go to this college, major in this subject, then I’ll land this job….