Curt’s Health Update

Curt’s Health Update

Dear Friends and Family,                 Thank you for your cards, text messages, phone calls, love and concern for us. I read them all but cannot always send a response. It gives me comfort.                There are no words to adequately describe how grueling the side effects have been from the high dose chemo. Uncontrolled vomiting,…

Faith, Support, Attitude, and Prayer

Faith, Support, Attitude, and Prayer

Since my last post, my amyloidosis treatment options have expanded. Funny thing about having choices you didn’t have just months ago. Sometimes the will and desire to take action wanes. What you previously wanted loses its attraction. Sort of like giving your child permission to graduate a year early. Now they don’t want to. Or,…

Adjusting and Accepting

Adjusting and Accepting

Last November when I started the first chemo regiment, I insulated myself, a decision based on a combination of factors- a suppressed immune system, the flu season, and a non-functional gastro system that my oncologist was unable to resolve. This led to malnutrition resulting in significant weight loss, extreme fatigue, body ache and generalize malaise….

Adversity, Faith, and Christian Clichés
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Adversity, Faith, and Christian Clichés

“God won’t give you more than you can handle.” “When God closes a door, he opens a window.” “You’re never more safe than when you’re in God’s will.” You’ve probably heard or read something like the above. Maybe you’ve said something close to one of these in the hopes of comforting and encouraging someone. I…